Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Casey Anthony case

            So I am confused why do people not admit to their wrong doing? In court Casey was plead not guilty to the death of her daughter and in Casey's words she said in court ''The nanny had took her", '' She is with the nanny", ''Oh she drowned" like stories after stories. That night when Caylee supposedly was with ''the nanny'' she went out partying with her friends and she didn't report that she was missing until 31 days after. The investigators state that is was no accident, they have so much evidence.
Evidence 1:The foul smell in Casey's car. Casey's mom states that there was a foul smell in Casey's car like the smell of death.
The investigators tested the air of the car and they find out that it was full of "Chloroform" (render someone) unconscious with chloroform. It is also used to decompose something. Along in the car they found a hair and leading to Caylee.
Evidence 2: There was a the skull not far from Casey's house. Caylee was stuffed in a cover and placed in multiple garbage bags, shoved into a laundry bag and thrown into a littered swamp. There was also a piece of tape still stuck on the skull.
Evidence 3: Investigators looked up Casey's search history she looked up violent ways to killing someone like neck breaking, house hold weapons, shovel, and how to make chloroform. Casey used it 4 months before the little girl went missing.
The judge pleaded that Casey Anthony is not guilty of the 2y/o daughter Caylee Anthony. Casey just got a slap on the wrist.
*Update on this case*
Caylee (the 2 y/o) would have been 13 today!🙁

Thursday, December 20, 2018

charlie brown

            Dear Charlie, 

This has been some kind of year of crazy huh?  I  want 2019 to be different  between us, I love you and I don't know like no matter now many times you be mean or we argue I just cant be without you. Its like I wanna hate you for the whole Tiffany thing in October. You are always on my mind and I just cant  get you out for some reason. I know the whole Nathan thing kind of drew you away, but I had to see if you cared. I wanted to see if you would have fought for me , if you actually would let me go. I got  you on my mind and it might be weird for you ,but I guess its when I first saw you when I worked at Walmart that I had to fall for you. I made many mistakes in life from the Nathan thang and the whole arguing , biting  you ,etc... I guess I have a lot of growing up to do.  You make me feel bad about myself to the whole Nathan thing , my acne , loose skin, seeing my family. I feel like you do it cause you love and care for me, but your being overprotective. If you love me I wish you could tell me instead of putting it off cause everyday i'm ether thinking laying in bed questioning do you really love me? Am I just a type of medicine to keep you satisfied ? Am I just that ranch to the French fry that when you get tired of the taste you just dip for the flavor? Charlie I need to know how you feel like its killing me. Life is short and im not getting any younger. I'm broken, scared , lonely, I feel like im drowning again. I feel like I trapped in my mind and its a scary place. I crying in the inside all the time cause my life is a wreck and I been broken for so long through the years and I just need to know if you love me or not. I know I mess up a lot and I thought you had feelings for me when I came back, but I feel like that was only temporary and I cant have that. I know im damaged but I know I can make others happy. You don't know what its like to have everything you had break away slowly and be broken inside and pretend to be happy when you arnt ,so you tell everyone your happy when  your not. love hurt physically and mentally. I know I ant perfect but I am only human and I make dumb mistakes and need to learn and grow from them so I don't me them again. I just wish you can see stuff from how you make me feel from my point of view of how much I love you.
There is no other person I rather be with besides you. I am just crying to be without you just until the 24th. I can't sleep without you holding me. I miss you already and its only been 1 day. I just  feel like im wasting your time, but I promise I wont let you down and if you decide to be with Tiffany then its okay and I understand. It will hurt like hell, but I don't wanna stop you from being with her. I'm too broken and I don't even love myself. I lost myself I mean im being honest. I wish life was easy , but then we wouldn't grow. I don't know what to do I just feel empty. I have flashbacks and I never really understand how my heart feels cause I cant feel it. when I cry it doesn't hurt at all. I cant make you love me its literally impossible. I am tired of feeling this way like I don't wanna stay numb.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The story of mercedes and zachary clayton

        It all started when a beautiful  young 17 year old woman named Mercedes started going on You now and then she start watching you now broadcasts. One September 23, 2015 Mercedes came across a young cute broadcaster named Zachary Clayton and it was love at first sight. Zach was on there doing parlor and dancing and doing other random stuff. Mercedes became falling more in love everytime she watched him.

                                               5 weeks later!!!!!
                          Its been 5 weeks passed and Mercedes been watching Zach broadcast and he announced that he is going on tour. Mercedes hurries and called her best friend Desiree. When she called Desiree she screamed and said that Zach is going on tour. Desiree was like YASS!!!! 5 days passed and her mom bought her meet and greet tickets. Mercedes  so excited. The meet and greet was a on Thursday at 3:30pm.

                                        Meet and Greet

    The meet and Greet came and Mercedes was excited and nervous. Mercedes was wanting to look super beautiful when she meets Zach. Mercedes got in the car to go and meet him she was so exciting and screaming excitement. Her mom was like chill out. Mercedes couldn't chill out even if she tried. Mercedes made it to the fairground and saw Zach and was so hiped up. When it was her time to get a picture with Zach she was shaking. Mercedes was smiling big, while hugging Zach she say '' I love you Zach'' and she didn't expect Zach to say I love you back then she blushed when he kissed her on the cheek.
         After talking to him and after the picture was taking Zach slipped her his number , but she didn't know what it was until she got back to the car.  she open the note it said. '' Dear Mercedes , I know its been only 25 mins. that we met but I  feel like there is more I want to know. You are so beautiful here is my number (514)701-1934 She screamed on the top of her lungs and she was so happy that Zach liked her. Her mom was like why are you screaming?  Mercedes said'' Zach gave me his number.'' As soon as she got home she told Desiree was screaming how Zach said I love you and that he gave her his number. She texted him and he replied with wanna get lunch.  When she went to get pizza. As soon as she saw Zach she smiled. After lunch Zach kissed her.
                                   3 YEARS LATER !!!!
    Mercedes and Zach was at a expensive dinner date and Zach proposed to her. Zach said.
Mercedes I have loved you since day one at the meet and greet at the fairground. I want to have kids and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Will you do me the honor and become Mrs. Clayton.
Of course Mercedes say YES!  After the wedding they went on their honeymoon in Hawaii. They has a little boy named Clayton and a beautiful little girl named Benz.


Friday, November 21, 2014


                               J-14 Magazine

                         Do you think J-14 Magazine are  lairs?

        Well according to yesterdays post they said One Direction is going to retire, but they lie they just want you to buy their magazines they do want to stir up lies so you can get the gossip. All your doing is sometimes getting the truth , but really your getting lies. That's money burn out of your pocket. Other thing is One Direction has just now came out with another album. One thing J-14 magazines like to stir up stuff. I understand that they want to make money it's just that some celebrates don't want any drama or lies to be going around.  

            See all these super stars there is always something going on all day everyday.  See I feel bad for all these superstars and all of these popularizes gets on all of these people's nerves. 
    My opinion is all these magazines are just trouble really bad trouble. 



Friday, November 7, 2014

one direction: this is them



 Harry Styles    

  Top boy of the group or should I say the flirt of the group. The youngest of the band and some may say the cutesiest, but everyone has they're own option. Mine is he is like the man. Nobody can judge and say what they think of Harry, but the best is how he is knows how to style his styles, the only reason people make fun of the one direction group is because they are jealous. He is the master of love they should call him Harry Love Styles. He is smoother than anything when it comes to impressing a girl, or getting a girl.

   Louis Tomlinson
Ok he is a high rise he is the is a Christmas baby. He’s a Capricorn. Typical Capricorns are ‘slow, steady and win the race. Louis is the oldest member of One Direction. He’s 13 months older than second eldest Zayn Malik.Louis was brought up in Doncaster, South Yorkshire. Other famous people who hail from the town include Jeremy Clarkson, Kevin Keegan and Brian Blessed. Guess what Weirdly, Louis is a big fan of girls who eat carrots! Maybe it’s because they can see in the dark?! . Louis’s celebrity crush is Natalie Portman and his man crush is Robbie Williams.
   Niall James Horan         
          What can I say about Niall um! he is talented , sweet, he makes his fans smile, creative, adorable, handsome. He love to sing and enjoy life as its forever.  He never gives up hope never lies he is an honest man, that you can trust. Niall has a secret baking talent! According to his dad he makes the best cupcakes ever and has a huge sweet tooth – The Great British Bake Off will be signing him up in no time if that’s the case.Niall is incredibly sensitive and even cried whilst watching Finding Nemo and The Notebook.Niall’s favorite animal is the giraffe. He has even been pictured hugging a toy one. He said he loves them because ‘They’re so long, I wish I was one, then maybe I’d be taller.’Niall is known for loving food and he once revealed that his worst nightmare was when he dreamt all the food in the world had disappeared and he woke up crying! Awww !!!!! poor Niall!

                               Liam Payne

ok Liam Payne is the daddy of the group he is the most coolest person ever!!
 Liam is the One Direction middleman – Louis and Zayn are older than him while Harry and Niall are younger.Liam has two older sisters called Ruth and Nicola.  Liam’s parents are called Karen and Geoff. Liam’s favorite color is purple.Liam spent his childhood in Wolverhampton in the West Midlands, the birthplace of Led Zeppelin legend Robert Plant and Slade’s Noddy Holder.Liam once cried while watching Marley & Me. It’s something we pretty much already thought – Liam Payne is the hottest member of One Direction right? Correct! Well, it is correct according to an Entertainment Wise 2013 poll. Liam picked up 30.58% of the votes over the rest of the boys, making him the hottest member of the band. A title well deserved.


  Zayn Malik

Zayn is the style of the group. First of all, his name is actually spelt Zain. Yep, just like the Lady Gaga’s and Katy Perry’s of the world, Zayn adopted a stage name…by changing just one letter. Does it make a difference? We don’t think so. Whilst warming up for a 1D concert, Zayn likes to take on the ever so popular pre-show tradition of brushing his teeth. Yep, as Niall stretches his limbs and Harry works his vocal warm ups, Zayn brushes his teeth before heading out on stage.He suffers from Aquaphobia – meaning he’s scared of open water, and also can’t swim. So, we won’t expect to see him on the next series of ITV diving show, Splash.

        Hope you enjoyed my article about the British boys that started one direction. If you didn't know any of  this stuff know you do!!! I can talk all day about one direction they are amazing people and singers that I really enjoy listening to. BYE FOR NOW!!!!!!